6 Reasons Why Teeth Implants Have Become Popular

How much do teeth implants cost

Teeth implants are the next best thing after real teeth; after all, they are designed to mimic them for all intent and purpose. Teeth implants restore a person’s smile and confidence and prevent their facial contours from slipping out of shape. Dental implants have surged in popularity over the years, and are no longer just a novelty. Here are six reasons why they are so incredibly useful and effective.

Comfortable Fit

Teeth implant procedures are designed according to the specific needs of a patient. When done right, teeth implants fit in the place of original teeth exactly like a glove.

Durability and Longevity

Modern techniques, such as immediate implant procedure, are designed using durable, non-toxic materials that are safe for personal use. Oftentimes, these teeth implants last more than conventional teeth restorations. Maintenance is relatively simple with no need to buy special products.

Unparalleled Success Rate

As long as teeth implants are properly cared for, their success rates will improve. In many cases, success rates are much better than conventional teeth replacement options. Teeth implant technologies are always improving, and so are their success rates. One of the prerequisites for a successful surgical operation is the patient’s health, which is always taken into perspective before the operation.

If the patient suffers from prior medical conditions and/or is a chain smoker, he/she might not be able to take full advantage of the surgery.

It Is Easier to Eat and Chew Food

Since teeth implants are secured on the jawbone and not the gum itself, they do not move out of place. This makes it possible to eat and chew food with implanted teeth just as easily as with natural teeth.

Ability to Speak Clearly

A person’s ability to properly articulate themselves is affected because of teeth loss. However, any speech impediments as a direct result of tooth loss are finally addressed, restoring normal speech.

Improved Facial Features

Since teeth implants prevent bone resorption, the patient’s facial features and bone mass are improved. No longer do patients have to loss of jawbone height due to bone resorption. Since dental implants reduce the burden on the remaining teeth, they prevent deterioration of natural teeth tissues.

How Much Do Teeth Implants Cost?

teeth implants Cost Depending on where a person goes for teeth implants, a single tooth implant can cost anywhere from $1000 to $3000. The crown and abutment can add a further $1000 to $3000, so the total price – that has to be footed entirely by the patient – is between $2000 and $6000. In most cases, patients do not have dental insurance plans to help with the bills for expensive implant denture cost.

How Much Do Teeth Implants Cost in India?

India has some of the most advanced dentists on the planet, one of the most prolific of these is Dr. Motiwala, who received training by researchers who are the foremost authority in dentistry. This allows them to offer the same dental procedure with the same results at 80 to 90 percent of the price of overseas implant denture cost.

Get in touch with our consultants at Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center for big discounts.