What is a Dental Bone Graft?

Bone graft dental

It is common for oral teeth to result in the loss of teeth along with bone mass. This can be problematic if you want to install artificial teeth in place of the real ones. After all, you need existing bone mass to provide support to the teeth.

An effective treatment to make up for the bone loss in teeth are bone graft dental. Some conditions that could affect the jaw’s bone mass include the following:

  • Dental cavities
  • Periodontal disease such as inflammation and infection of the gums
  • Long term usage of dentures
  • Oral infections
  • Trauma to the teeth
  • Genetic defects that lead to abnormal development of the teeth

Dental bone graft costs depend on which clinic and country you choose to get treatment from. Bone graft dental in India can be less than 80 percent of what would usually cost in your home country, and the quality of treatment would be identical, if not better.

Dentists recommend dental bone grafts to provide optimum results and lead to favorable success ratios for the implants. Bone grafts provide support to dental implants, and teeth, which are installed the implant. The best part about bone grafts is that they are painless procedures.

Advantages of Bone Graft Dentals

One of the most immediate benefits of dental bone grafts is that they maintain jaw bones in their original form. This slows down or prevents the development of other dental problems and diseases. In fact, bone grafting is instrumental in improving a patient’s facial structure and aesthetics. This allows them to enjoy higher levels of self-confidence and self-esteem in addition to feeling healthier.

The biggest advantage of bone grafts is their pivotal role in preventing atrophy of alveolar bones. Atrophy is the gradual loss of bone mass following the loss of teeth either through dental extraction, disease, or injury. It is common for the body to absorb surrounding bone through atrophy and reabsorb them it into the blood stream. This can lead to deformity, which can affect a person’s aesthetics and worse still, limit their ability to eat, speak, and do routine activities.

Which Patients Qualify for Bone Graft?

  • Patients who have autoimmune disorders such as diabetes to impair healing.
  • Periodontal diseases that affect bone mass underneath gums.
  • Loss of teeth.

Bone grafting procedure is performed by taking borrowing a small portion of bone from one area of the body, and then using a grafting material to place it over the jaw bone. This bone is borrowed or ‘harvested’ from larger bones such as thighs. Since bone drafting is a major surgery, it will take time for the jaw bone and harvested portion of the body to heal properly.

Once the bone grafting process is completed, and our dentists assess the stability and strength of the new bone, we will begin the dental implant procedure. Make sure to discuss all your personal medical history to examine the full pros and cons for the surgery.