7 Ways to Stop Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding

Grinding your teeth, which is also called bruxism, can have a lot of bad effects on your dental health. Even though it’s normal to clench your teeth sometimes, doing it all the time can cause damage and make you feel bad all day.

Because they do it at night while they sleep, many people don’t even know they grind their teeth. Headaches and a sore jaw are signs of teeth grinding. People might say that they can hear you grinding your teeth at night. Read on to find out how to stop grinding your teeth during the day and at night.

Check out these seven things you can do right now to stop grinding your teeth and feel better.

How to Stop Teeth Grinding?

Get a Nighttime Mouth Guard

Grinding your teeth all the time can wear down the enamel and make them more likely to get cavities. Your teeth will be safe if you wear a mouth guard to bed. Our dentist can make a custom mouth guard for you that will protect your teeth while you sleep. A night guard that is made just for you will be more comfortable than one that is one size fits all and may not fit as well. One of the best ways to stop teeth grinding while you sleep is to wear a mouth guard every night.

Start Exercising

If you don’t work out, you should add a few sweat sessions to your week. Bruxism is often caused by stress or anxiety, which shows up as grinding your teeth. That stress will go away when you work out.

Relax Right Before Bed

Before you go to bed, you need to let go of all the stress in your jaw. Try things like one or more of the following to ease the tension in your mouth:

  • Take a warm bath before going to bed to relax the muscles in your jaw.
  • Use a heating pad or a warm, wet towel to apply heat to your jaw.
  • Drink herbal tea without caffeine to warm your mouth.

Massage Your Jaw Muscles

When you’re stressed out, do you feel your jaw tightening up throughout the day? If so, put your face at ease and massage the muscles in your jaw. The tension that has built up during the day will be released when you rub.

Be More Conscious of Your Clenching

You might be grinding your teeth without knowing it. Mindfulness can help you relax and let go of stress if you do it several times a day. You will start to notice that your teeth grinding is worse in certain situations or at certain times of the day. When you notice it happening, drop your jaw and let it hang for a moment to stop it. Move it gently, and then try to keep your jaw in a less tense position.

Stop Chewing Everything but Food

Do you chew gum the whole time? Like to chew ice as you work? Even if your favorite bad habit is chewing on a pen cap, you should stop doing this over and over because it will keep your jaw tight.

Avoid Chewy Foods

When your bruxism is acting up, you should stop eating steak, popcorn, and taffy. These foods are hard to chew and will wear out your jaw even more.

Side Effects, Complications, & Symptoms of Teeth Grinding

It might seem like grinding your teeth only makes you feel bad for a short time, but it can lead to some serious, obvious side effects. If you let your teeth grinding go on, it could lead to other health problems a few months or years from now. Here are some of the problems that could come up because you grind your teeth.

Misshapen Teeth: Bruxism can flatten, break, or chip your teeth. This condition can change the way your teeth look and feel in your mouth. Sometimes, your teeth can start to come out of place.

Worn Tooth Enamel: Tooth enamel will wear away if you grind your teeth all the time. Your enamel is an important part of your dental health. If it gets damaged, the deeper layers of your teeth are more likely to get problems, like cavities.

Increased Sensitivity or Pain: As your enamel wears away, you may be more likely to feel pain or sensitivity in your teeth. Your teeth may hurt when you eat or drink something hot or cold, and your most worn-down teeth may hurt very badly.

Tired Jaw Muscles: The more you clench your jaw, the more tired the muscles in your jaw will get. If you have bruxism, your jaw may feel tired at different times during the day.

Pain in Other Places: Teeth grinding can cause pain in other parts of your body, like your neck or face. You could also feel like you have an earache in the area of your jaw in front of your ear. This is a sign that your teeth-grinding is starting to hurt you.

Headaches: Constant tension from teeth grinding can cause headaches that start in the temples and move to other parts of the head.

Cheek Damage: Damage to the inside of your cheeks can happen if you grind your teeth all the time. You might hurt the tissues in your cheek, which could cause pain and even some bleeding.

Sleep Problems: Sometimes, the severity of your teeth grinding can wake you up or make your sleep restless. You might wake up in the middle of the night or feel more tired in the morning.

Dr. Motiwala in International Press

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